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A collection of Chicago photos taken around various parts of Chicago. A Chicago photo-blog with Chicago skyline pictures, and other Chicago neighborhood photos taken by Araceli Arroyo. Creative Commons License 
Saturday, April 05, 2008
The 24th Chicago Latino Film Festival Opening Night
Pepe Vargas - Director of the International Latino Cultural Center of ChicagoReturning from his two year 'sabbatical, Pepe Vargas, Director of the International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago welcomed the many sponsors and film supporters at the start of the film. "[We] use our best knowledge and intuition to see what would the audience appreciate the most," Vargas said. I can surely attest to the growth of this yearly event as witness and viewer to the yearly increase of Latin films added to the festival. I am truly glad to have been able to attend the opening night - thanks B.!

Overall, I would say the event was a success. With some assistance of organization the event showcased a film from Director Mario Camus with beautiful mountain scape backdrop of Spain. I genuine film with many messages of warmth and hope, followed by a reception serving Spanish food and wine as well as Spanish flamenco dance.

The International Latino Cultural Center presents the 24th Chicago Latino Film Festival, which runs Friday, April 4, through Wednesday, April 16, at Landmark’s Century Centre; Northwestern Univ. Thorne Auditorium, 375 E. Chicago; Pipers Alley; River East 21; and smaller venues through the city. Tickets are $10, $9 for students, and $8 for ILCC members. Help support the community and see a film!
24th Chicago Latino Film Festival Opening NIght
24th Chicago Latino Film Festival Opening Night, originally uploaded by celikins.
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